Resources are of two types: exhaustible and inexhaustible. The inexhaustible resources are the ones on which we are mostly dependent on. These are coal and oil. Forgetting that one day they will finish, we are using them in excess and even wasting them. Our future generation might not be able to experience the benefits of these inexhaustible natural resources. Soon we are going to face an energy crisis, but we don’t realize the truth. An energy, which is renewable and green, is the solar energy. It is free of cost and is unlimited in nature.

Using solar panel is a noble step towards saving our environment as well as our money. Solar power can be obtained at a low price. Solar power is simple to control and it supplies a lot more power than what is actually required in a house. Solar power available commercially is costly. But if you obtain it by your own, then it is a lot cheaper.

Photovoltaic cells constitute solar panel. A battery is present inside the solar panel which stores the energy. This energy is used by an inverter and electricity is generated. It is a sustainable source of energy.

Ready-made solar panels are available in the market but are of high cost. To avoid this, you have to collect all the materials to set up a solar panel by yourself. These materials are easily available in the market and these would cost less. In this way, you are also helping the environment because no factory mechanism is used in the production.

Many distributors are present in the market who teach you how to set up a solar panel. You have to calculate accurately how much electrical power you need to run your electronic equipment. Then you have to purchase the materials according to that. After collecting all these information, you can set up a solar panel which can produce at least 100 watt of power per day.

When you are experienced in constructing this, you can be able to produce many watts of power. You can also sell it to a power company if you so desire.

In the entire period of producing solar power, you don’t have to take any maintenance steps. A typical solar panel can go up to 25 to 30 years.

Technological advancement has really given us the impetus to work for more environment friendly technologies and do our part for the future generation. It’s on us to formulate and device more environment friendly techniques to harness green energy for a sustainable future.

Here at ALEKO, we have a wide range of solar panels of a wide range of prices. Purchase and do your bit for our environment.